Continual Improvement


Continuous improvement is the art of relentlessly attempting to make processes better. It is an all-the-time thing! When you partner with Arrow88 for your continual improvement processes and trainings, we can help you improve efficiency, enhance quality, reduce waste, add more customer value, and achieve or maintain a competitive advantage in your industry.



This one-day course is designed to provide analytical tools to managerial and supervisory employees. This course will help them make better decisions objectively based on analysis of data and information. Contents of the course include:

  • Flowcharting
  • Brainstorming
  • Check Sheet
  • Pareto Chart
  • Cause and Effect Diagram
  • Gantt Chart
  • Case Studies


This one-day course, intended for managers and supervisors, aims to provide the participants with the Japanese-developed concept of housekeeping. This concept has been proven effective to help companies be more organized and improve quality of work.


This one-day course, intended for Managers, Supervisors or any Customer Service personnel, aims to provide them with purposive concepts and principles of customer service. Employees with effective customer service skills will feel a greater sense of engagement and commitment to their job. These skills could make or break your business. Our training provides practical customer service tips for your organization based on the content area or competency you want to improve. Contents include:

  • Customer Service Basic Principles
  • Customer Communication
  • Personality Assessment
  • Problem Solving
  • Customer Retention
  • Case Studies and Role Playing


This two-day course, intended for Managers or Supervisors who are involved in the development and implementation of Statistical Process Control System, aims to provide participants with the basic concepts and principles of Statistical Process Control (SPC). It will discuss how to use SPC in developing an effective and efficient Process Control System to continuously satisfy standards and specifications. Contents include:

  • Control Charts
  • Process Capability Analysis
  • Various Activities and Cases

Supervisory Enhancement


How can we better prepare our staff to supervisory roles? While they excellently performed in their previous roleS, they are now challenged with new and greater responsibilities. Arrow88 provides training programs for your employees’ supervisory enhancement. Our aim is to equip and empower them to feel more confident in their new role as supervisors. We will help them set goals, direct daily activities, communicate effectively, integrate new people, manage change, motivate staff, delegate tasks, resolve conflict, coach, and counsel toward heightened performance among others.

This module composed of:

  • Work Simplification. This provides supervisors the basic concept of productivity and productivity improvements. At the end of the workshop, the supervisors will be able to identify the areas for improvement, the causes of low productivity and the solutions to enhance productivity and efficiency.
  • Ergonomics. This provides the supervisors a concept of work design. At the end of the workshop, the supervisors will be able to design work areas wherein their team mates can comfortably and efficiently perform their functions.
  • Production Management. This provides a basic concept of production planning in order to enhance efficiency in production operations. It covers forecasting, inventory management, and scheduling.
  • Leadership Skills. provides a basic concept of leading a team. This aims to enhance the leadership skills of the supervisors.

Quality Management System


Good business understands quality but a great business implements it. An ineffective QMS can cost you time, money and customers. That’s why it’s important to get it right from the start!

Gain a comprehensive understanding of quality management systems. Learn the most effective and business-focused strategies in setting up a world-class quality management system. Our courses are delivered by experienced trainers who are quality management system experts. Your knowledge and skills will be developed through an interactive, engaging and practical approach to learning.

A quality management system (QMS) is a set of policies, processes and procedures required for planning and execution – production or development or service – in the core business area of an organization to meet customer requirements. An example of QMS is ISO 9000.

A QMS integrates the various internal processes within the organization and intends to provide a process approach for project execution. A Process Based QMS enables the organizations to identify, measure, control and improve the various core business processes that will ultimately lead to improved business performance.

Most business organizations aim to be ISO certified in order to satisfy the clients’ requirments, to ensure that these organziations are operating at an excelelnt quality management system providing excellent service to their clients. Local companies, Small and medium enterprises were required by the multi-national organizations.

Arrow Eighty Eight Business Solutions, Inc. provide assitance to organizations in the preparation of ISO Certification. We aid organizations in developing Quality Maangement Systems to ensure compliance to the ISO Standards.

Our team starts with quality management assessment, training, systems development, systems implementation, and certification preparation. We stand by your side during the audit. We remain our assistance as you maintain your systems after the audit.

Arrow88’s quality management training in summary will help you:

  • Understand the fundamentals in achieving maximum customer or client satisfaction at a reasonable cost.
  • Identify processes, policies and procedures that need improvement or enhancement.
  • Provide assistance to organizations in ensuring compliance to the ISO standards.
  • Assist and guide your organization as you maintain or improve your systems after the ISO audit/certification


  • Quality System Audit/Pre-assessment
  • Corrective Action
  • ISO Refresher Courses
  • Certification
  • Pre-assessment of Systems
  • Quality Systems Assessment
  • Quality Training
  • System Development
  • System Implementation
  • System Assessment



This one-day workshop aims to orient the participants with the basic concepts of Total Quality Management (TQM) and ISO 9001:2015. It includes discussions on the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 and the steps to prepare for certification. Contents include:

  • Quality and Productivity
  • 8 Quality Management Principles
  • Plan-Do-Check-Act Concept
  • Background on ISO and ISO 9001:2015
  • ISO 9001:2015 Requirements


This two-day course is intended for Management Representatives, Internal Quality Auditors of the company, Personnel in-charge of the QMS. The workshop will equip the participants with the necessary skills in planning, conducting and reporting an effective internal quality audit in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001:2015. Contents include:

  • Quality Management System Review
  • Planning the Audit
  • Conducting the Audit
  • Reporting Audit Findings
  • Follow-up
  • Various Activities and Quiz


This one-day workshop aims to orient the participants of the educational institutions on the basic concepts of Total Quality Management (TQM) and ISO 9001:2008. It will include discussions on the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 and how it is applied to an educational institution. Contents include:

  • Quality and Productivity
  • 8 Quality Management Principles
  • Plan-Do-Check-Act Concept
  • Background on ISO and ISO 9001:2015
  • ISO 9001:2000 Requirements for an Educational Institution
  • Initial Gap Analysis

Production Management


  • Conducting studies to identify optimization opportunities using industrial engineering tools and optimization models to balance cost, labor, location and time trade-offs
  • Identifying necessary skills, roles, technology and techniques to create effective business processes that support organizational growth and development
  • Applying consistent standards and processes across the organization


Are your production processes efficient and effective? Do your step by step processes “lean and mean”? In today’s stiff competition, making your production processes agile, waste-free and driven by a sense of customer and business value is a must in order to stay competitive and profitable.

Our experience management advisory group can assist you in making your processes consistent and stable which are the keys to have effective and lean operations by providing insights on operations strategy and continuous improvements through training, process improvement mentoring and coaching, and business process review and documentation.


Lean thinking is a business methodology that aims to provide a new and radical way of thinking and seeing things on how to organize human activities that would deliver more valuable results while eliminating waste. The basic objective of lean thinking is: if you train every employee to identify wasted time and effort and if you help them better work together to improve processes by eliminating such waste, the resulting enterprise will deliver more value at less cost while developing every employee’s confidence, competence and ability to work with others. This training will help you and your organization:

  • Identify Customers and Specify Value
  • Identify and Map the Value Stream
  • Create flow by Eliminating Waste
  • Respond to Customer Pull
  • Pursue Perfection


Six Sigma strives for near perfection for better and optimal business results. It is a disciplined, data-driven approach and methodology for eliminating defects in any process – from manufacturing to transactional and from product to service. The Greek letter sigma is sometimes used to denote variation from a standard. The philosophy behind Six Sigma is that if you measure how many defects are in a process, you can figure out how to systematically eliminate them and get as close to perfection as possible.


Statistical Process Control (SPC) is an industry-standard methodology for measuring and controlling quality during the manufacturing process. Quality data in the form of Product or Process measurements are obtained in real-time during manufacturing. With real-time SPC you can dramatically reduce variability and scrap; scientifically improve productivity; reduce costs; uncover hidden process personalities; instantly react to process changes; and make real-time decisions on the shop floor.


Work measurement is the application of techniques designed to establish the time for an average worker to carry out a specified manufacturing task at a defined level of performance. It is concerned with the length of time it takes to complete a work task assigned to a specific job.


Business process improvement is a strategic approach designed to eliminate inefficiency and reduce costs, leading to better business results. Our Operations Review team can examine and review a wide variety of operational issues such as:

  • The effective use of technology throughout the organization.
  • The flow of material and information through the production floor.
  • The flow of operational and financial information through the organization.
  • Controls on inventory and inventory management techniques.
  • The efficiency and productivity of your back office operations.
  • The effective use of scheduling and management reporting tools.
  • The root causes for lost time and poor productivity.
  • Issues related to employee skills and training.
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